From the course: Essential Skills for Social Media Managers

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Use a mix of measurement tools

Use a mix of measurement tools

- Acclaimed author and marketer, Seth Goodin, once said, "Measurement is fabulous unless you're busy measuring what's easy to measure as opposed to what's important." This is such a significant quote because it references a common trap social media marketers fall into, focusing their measurement efforts solely on surface level metrics. The reason this happens is because it takes way less time to access data on likes, comments, and views, and most people are familiar with what these metrics mean. It's important to not go down this route. Instead, measure the full impact of your social media activities across conversion, engagement, and awareness goals. To help you measure more comprehensively and save time whenever possible with automation, use a mix of measurement tools as part of your greater toolkit. Measurement tools allow you to collect, analyze, and report on the impact of your social media efforts so you can learn…
