From the course: Essential Skills for Social Media Managers

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Research your industry and pop culture

Research your industry and pop culture

- [Narrator] Staying ahead of the curve is one of a social media manager's greatest challenges. The expectation is that you're in the know with current events, industry developments, the moves your competitors are making, and the latest updates on social media. And this doesn't just happen; it requires doing research consistently. Researching your industry and pop culture matters, because you need to have an informed perspective in order to react to trends and respond to timely conversations. At times, it can feel a bit overwhelming to keep current given the sheer volume of updates to keep track of, and how quickly some of these changes happen. To simplify the research process and maintain a fresh perspective, identify and reference a range of credible, relevant sources of information on a regular basis. These can be podcasts, newsletters, publications, certain social media accounts, webinars, third-party research,…
