From the course: Essential Skills for Social Media Managers

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Rely on content curation

Rely on content curation

- [Instructor] Content curation is one of the best tools at a social media manager's disposal. It's both a time saver and a way of generating more content. Content curation is the process of finding information from different sources and presenting it to your audience, and ideally adding your own insights to the content. For example, you might share a list of articles from third party sources that'd be helpful to your audience or repost a tweet from another company with your own commentary. Content curation helps you reduce the amount of original content you need to create for sharing on social media, while still enabling you to provide value to your followers. Aimed to have 80% of what you're sharing on social media be original content and 20% curated from a variety of sources. The right way to curate content is to find relevant information from credible sources, give credit to where this information is coming from, and…
