From the course: Essential Skills for Social Media Managers

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Prioritize your design skills for social media

Prioritize your design skills for social media

From the course: Essential Skills for Social Media Managers

Prioritize your design skills for social media

- [Instructor] "Design is the intermediary between information and understanding." That's a quote from artist, Hans Hofmann that couldn't be more accurate, especially as it relates to social media. Well-designed photos and graphics make a big difference on social media, given they can help you more quickly and effectively convey important information. Haired with well-written copy and effectively design image can significantly improve the performance of the content you're sharing on social media. How so? Well, thoughtfully designed assets can help your company stand out from the competition in the newsfeed to initially get someone's attention, but most importantly, a consistent approach to design across your social media activities can help make your brand more memorable long-term. To reap these benefits, recognize that design is all about making purposeful decisions. When taking photos for use on social media,…
