From the course: Essential Skills for Social Media Managers

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Plan with an editorial calendar

Plan with an editorial calendar

- [Narrator] An editorial calendar is a social media manager's north star, a useful resource to guide your direction. While a social media strategy provides the high-level roadmap for your efforts, the editorial calendar is the detail-oriented day-to-day resource, for guiding all your messaging. Often the editorial calendar gets overlooked as a document to simply schedule the dates and times when your posts will be published. But it's more important than that. The true value of an editorial calendar is to ensure you're sharing a diverse range of relevant messaging and campaigns across different channels and formats. No matter the scale of your social media efforts, variety in your communications is essential as it gives you the opportunity to address a broader mix of topics. The variety ensures you're speaking to different customer needs, keeping your messaging interesting and engaging, and experimenting to see what…
