From the course: Essential Skills for Social Media Managers

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Monitor and respond to customer feedback

Monitor and respond to customer feedback

- You'll often hear that social media is the ideal place to cultivate a community of fans. And that is one of the best and most unique facets of social media as a marketing medium, but most businesses neglect to do this in practice. Unfortunately, social media is typically treated like any other marketing channel where broadcasting a one-way message is prioritized over an open, consistent two-way dialogue with customers. The process of building and maintaining a group of supporters on social media brought together over a shared interest is known as community management. It's a key skill for social media managers as you'll be the first line of contact with customers acting as a spokesperson, customer service representative, and a curator. A pillar of community management is monitoring and responding to feedback from your audience consistently, which is different from offering customer service on social media.…
