From the course: Essential Skills for Social Media Managers

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How to manage paid social campaigns

How to manage paid social campaigns

- [Instructor] Plan, personalize, and publish. Those are the three phases of managing a successful paid social campaign. Begin by planning what your goals are for a particular campaign, whether you're focused on conversions, engagement, or awareness. You can define the goal for a campaign using an ad manager on TikTok, YouTube, or another social network, ensuring it's focused on delivering a particular outcome. Since you're paying for results, I recommend most of your efforts with paid social are focused on conversions, given of the most beneficial actions ads can help drive. Identify the number of product purchases, form completions, or app downloads you're hoping to gain by prioritizing conversions with an ad campaign. With this goal in mind, assess what budget is required to achieve this outcome and adjust accordingly given how much you're able to allocate to the campaign. There's no one size fits all here when it…
