From the course: Essential Skills for Social Media Managers

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How social media managers evolve

How social media managers evolve

- The joy and the stress of being a social media manager is that your role is always changing at a fast pace. It's motivating and exciting to continually learn new approaches to connecting with customers on social media, and at times, overwhelming, to keep up with every shift. To maintain the delight of this evolving position and reduce the stress, dedicate time every week to passive and active learning to stay current with the latest updates. Having the space in your schedule to learn and consider your approach to your role long-term can help you better equip yourself for upcoming social media shifts. Passive learning opportunities are like this course you're taking right now, where you're primarily listening, reading, or observing instruction on a topic of interest. Podcasts, lectures, articles, books, and videos are all passive learning opportunities you can reference to understand what's working in social media…
