From the course: Essential Skills for Social Media Managers

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Host as on-camera talent

Host as on-camera talent

- Social media is all about fostering a connection with other people. So it makes sense that social media managers are more often becoming the on camera talent featured on their company's social media accounts. And it's because we relate more to other people than we do to brands as entities. Social media is slowly becoming a less polished and more authentic destination. So it's no surprise that many B2C brands are shifting their approach to better humanize their organization by having their social media managers or company mascots host some of their social profiles. The goal is to become a modern day version of a spokesperson, kind of like Jake from State Farm or Flo from Progressive. For example Nuggs, a plant-based nuggets company and OLIPOP, a beverage brand both feature their social media managers across their TikTok accounts as the hosts. You'll often see them talking to the camera and the company's videos as they…
