From the course: Essential Skills for Social Media Managers

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Distinguish paid advertising and organic promotion

Distinguish paid advertising and organic promotion

From the course: Essential Skills for Social Media Managers

Distinguish paid advertising and organic promotion

- [Speaker] It's free for businesses to use social media. Well, that's actually a common misconception. There are often less costs associated with social media than other marketing channels but it still requires a budget, resources, and your skills to make it work. It's more accurate to say that there's different costs associated with organic and paid social media, each with their own use cases, pros, and cons. But you'll need to use both paid and organic to drive results. Organic social media is when you're sharing content that some of your followers may see and there's a chance it'll reach their connections if it gets interacted with. While it doesn't cost you to publish content from your accounts or interact on these networks, it doesn't mean that there aren't costs associated with making your content. Things like copywriting, design, or video editing support all cost money unless you do it all yourself, which is a pretty…
