From the course: Essential Skills for Social Media Managers

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Collaborate with external partners

Collaborate with external partners

- What's one of the best ways of growing your audience on social media? Partnerships with creators and companies that have like-minded followers. By collaborating with external partners through social media partnerships, both parties have an opportunity to reach a wider customer base that likely has similar interests. For instance, McDonald's and Coca-Cola might partner together on TikTok, to encourage their fans to try a limited edition menu item, and may grow their following as a result. As a social media manager, you have the opportunity to identify potential partnerships, and manage the social media component of these collaborations. In terms of finding potential partners, there's low touch and high touch partnerships. Low touch partnerships are usually one off informal interactions you'll have with creators and other companies, like commenting on or reacting to their content. You're looking to bring yourself…
