From the course: Essential Skills for Social Media Managers

Becoming a social media manager

- [Narrator] This is an audio course. Thank you for listening. - [Brian] Being the one responsible for pushing the publish button is certainly a unique pressure. I'm talking about being a social media manager for a company. It's a role that's multifaceted, rewarding, meticulous and even risky at times. A social media manager has a one-of-a kind opportunity to be the public facing voice of a brand, collaborate across an entire business and use a range of creative abilities. However, there's pitfalls to look out for when managing social media, like avoiding burnout or being mindful to not share inappropriate info from your company's accounts. That's what this course is all about. Cultivating the essential skills you need as an effective social media manager to embrace the benefits and minimize the challenges. What is a social media manager? Well, it's the position tasked with using social platforms like TikTok, LinkedIn and Twitch to build awareness, drive engagement and increase conversions for a business. Because social media hit the mainstream in the early 2000's and has grown very quickly as a business tool, there's still limited guidelines for social media managers to follow. I'm going to fill that gap by helping you succeed in your job through following the core competencies of what makes a social media manager thrive. Hi, I'm Brian Hanickman, a marketing consultant who's worked in social media for leading tech companies, media brands, and NGOs for over a decade. I've done the hands-on work of writing tweets and crafting posts, measuring the performance of content and designing compelling visuals to stand out in the feed, as well as developing the strategy for organizations to guide their overall social efforts more thoughtfully, while also hiring and leading teams of other social media folks. I've witnessed a lot of changes in social media as platforms, user preferences and marketing tactics continue to evolve but the key skills remain the same. Whether creating a strategy, producing content, managing a community, investing in ads or measurement, I'll address the most important aspects of a social media manager's responsibilities. While the anxiety about what could go wrong never fully goes away, the right focus to your development will help you press publish with more confidence in your abilities.
