From the course: Essential Skills for Social Media Managers

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Analyze social media goals and metrics

Analyze social media goals and metrics

- [Narrator] There's lots of confusion around measuring social media. What matters more, the number of followers you have or how much engagement you're earning? Do video views mean the same thing on YouTube and TikTok? Is social media driving sales for our company? Those are some of the questions you and your team are likely asking when investing in social media as a key marketing activity. To get clarity on measuring the effectiveness of social media, choose goals and metrics that reflect what you're trying to accomplish as a business, by using these channels. Goals are the important business outcomes that you're focused on achieving as a result of your social media activities, which should help you prioritize how your time is spent. For example, one of your social media goals might be to increase brand engagement by 10% by the end of this quarter. Similarly, metrics are units of measure to help you determine your…
