From the course: Enhancing Images with Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Using artificial intelligence to edit photos - Photoshop Tutorial

From the course: Enhancing Images with Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Using artificial intelligence to edit photos

- Hi, my name's Rich Harrington, and welcome to this course on artificial intelligence and photography. We're going to explore several different techniques and technologies that can improve your workflow. To start, we'll take a look at how technology is impacting photography, what way it's making a change on the photography industry. We'll then take a look at using artificial intelligence when it comes to raw and source photos. In this case, what we're discussing is how the raw files themselves can be enhanced before developing, or how source images can be used to influence things like search. We'll then take a look at some AI technology built into Adobe Photoshop that can be used for things such as filling in missing areas, removing blemishes, or making changes to faces or complex selections to allow you to further refine a photograph. We'll then explore some third-party tools, including some from Skylum Software, taking a look at their Luminar and Aurora HDR products, and how AI plays a role in the photo developing process. We'll then move on to taking look at tools from IQ. This includes the Perfectly Clear line of products that are used in both photo labs, and by those working on their own individual computers, and even smartphones. And then we'll discuss Topaz Labs, which offers a variety of plug-ins and applications that can influence your workflow. AI is a quickly-growing and changing area, so the technology we're exploring here will certainly continue to evolve and improve. But I think what you'll see is that it can have a huge impact on your workflow, saving you time and unlocking new creative possibilities.
