From the course: Employer Branding to Attract Talent

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What a strong employer brand can't overcome

What a strong employer brand can't overcome

From the course: Employer Branding to Attract Talent

What a strong employer brand can't overcome

- Wouldn't it be great if a strong employer brand meant you had top candidates lining up for your open jobs? Yes, it would. But of course, nothing's ever that simple. There are some factors that a strong employer brand can't overcome. For example, you could be the coolest place to work, but if your wages are too low, your offers will be turned down. If you want to attract and keep people, then you'll need to make sure you're at least paying market rates. Look at salary surveys, ask headhunters what you should expect to pay, and ask candidates what they expect in terms of salary. A strong employer brand can't overcome a location that no one wants to travel to. There's a well-known entertainment company located in the heart of Beverly Hills, which sounds kind of nice. It is if you're a tourist, or if you have enough money to live close by. But the traffic getting in and out of that area has many people thinking twice, and sometimes three times before agreeing to a job offer. If you're…
