From the course: Employer Branding to Attract Talent

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The impact on customers and profits

The impact on customers and profits

- I'm a huge fan of Trader Joe's. It's a unique chain of grocery stores, and I probably shop there three times a week. That's how much I love this place. And judging by the crowds, I'm not alone. But Trader Joe's isn't just a terrific grocery store, it's also a great place to work. How do I know? I see it in their employees. They absolutely reflect the brand. The stores are bright and clean, and they have a no questions asked return policy. The employees are cheerful, outgoing, and extremely helpful. The people match the brand. And when I talk to the folks that work there, they tell me Trader Joe's is a great place to work. The employees and their feelings about the company are a key ingredient to the company's success, and to their reputation as an employer. Customers like to do business with businesses that treat their employees well. This applies to businesses of all shapes and sizes. Of course, the opposite is true too. People decide not to do business with companies that have a…
