From the course: Employer Branding to Attract Talent

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Image is everything

Image is everything

- What's the first thing that goes through your mind when an applicant walks in the door? If you're like most people, you're forming an opinion based on what you see. Well, it's no different for your candidates. Let's start with the website, since that's the point of entry for most job seekers. I recently met with the senior VP of HR for a major bank. She asked me to rate their company website in terms of employer branding. I took a moment so I wouldn't offend her and said, we have an opportunity to do something really spectacular with your employer brand. She got the message. People at all stages in their career want to engage with a company that appears to be with the times. If it's been at least five years since you've updated your employer brand, which includes your website, then it's time for a facelift. Even if you've updated your brand in the last few years, take another look. You may need some tweaks here and there. The idea is to make your site welcoming. And while you're at…
