From the course: Employer Branding to Attract Talent

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Factors that influence employer brands

Factors that influence employer brands

From the course: Employer Branding to Attract Talent

Factors that influence employer brands

- Let me ask you something. You probably know of a company that has a reputation for churning people. If you received a call from a head hunter asking you to consider a job there, would you leap at that opportunity? I'm guessing your answer would be a no. There are lots of job openings out there. Record low levels of unemployment mean there aren't enough people to fill all the open jobs and candidates can be selective when it comes to choosing their next employer. So your employer brand, your reputation, has to be top notch if you want to hire top people. A company's turnover rate is just one internal factor that can have a huge influence on how a company's employer brand is perceived in the marketplace. Take time to review your hiring requirements. Have you become so desperate that you'll hire anyone who walks in the door? If so, stop. Filling jobs with warm bodies is never an effective strategy and will only lead to more turnover. Another internal factor that impacts employer brands…
