From the course: Employer Branding to Attract Talent

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Employees as brand ambassadors

Employees as brand ambassadors

- If you're like most companies, you have one HR person for every 100 to 200 employees. Not exactly what I would call an army, which is what you'll need these days to win the war for talent. Let me share some ways you can recruit internal team members to join your recruitment forces, and become brand ambassadors. College universities easily score an A when it comes to recruiting, creating, and leveraging brand ambassadors. They recruit students to lead tours, and encourage high school junior and seniors to commit the next four years to their school. I've been on at least a dozen college tours with my teenagers in tow, and I can tell you these people are good, I mean really good. I know a number of companies that have created brand ambassadors that could rival those found at colleges, including my client, The Boston Beer Company. Employees who work there can't say enough great things about this company. And I can tell you it's not just the beer they're raving about. When employees talk…
