From the course: Employer Branding to Attract Talent

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Create an employer brand action plan

Create an employer brand action plan

From the course: Employer Branding to Attract Talent

Create an employer brand action plan

- We've covered a lot of material in this course, and admittedly, there are a fair number of steps involved in creating a strong brand. But the good news is, you can take it one step at a time. Pick one or two things to focus on, and spend the next week or month moving them forward a mile rather than trying choosing to try and move everything an inch. Making good progress on just one action item will have great results. And ask for help. For example, I work with clients as their strategic employer brand advisor. We work together to create the strategy, and they do the implementation. Others ask me solely for help writing their content. You know where your strengths are and how much slack you have in your work schedule. So, stick to what you do best, and find people who can do the rest. As we end our discussion on employer branding, I'd like you to keep one thing in mind. Brands, in particular employer brands, need to be nourished every day in order to retain their sparkle. Remember to…
