From the course: Employer Branding to Attract Talent

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Components of an employer brand

Components of an employer brand

- The world of hiring has changed dramatically since the invention of the internet. In the pre-internet days, companies would use recruitment agencies to design display ads for newspapers. Of course you were charged by the word, so agencies came up with a short catchy phrase like, "Seeking a Gal Friday to work Monday through Thursday." Or, "Short order cook who can scramble "with the best of them." Today, employer brands consist of more than a catchy ad. They require a well-crafted strategy and thoughtful execution, so I'm going to share three components that make up an employer brand. First, there's the value proposition. This is why people come work for you, and why they stay. Think of this as the heart of your employer brand, and as you're putting together your value proposition, keep in mind that if you try to be everything to everyone, you won't be anything to anyone. Think about it. You don't see McDonald's marketing heavily to vegetarians, do you? Get real clear on who you're…
