From the course: Employer Branding to Attract Talent

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Communicating your brand

Communicating your brand

- One of my clients who's the CEO of an awesome company asked me how to stand out in the crowd when it comes to competing for talent. I told her it takes a lot more than being a great company to win over talent these days. You've got to shamelessly communicate your employer brand in all the right places. Communicating your employer brand is like selling your product. You've got to know who your target audience is and where they hang out. Then, you can determine how to best reach them. For our purposes, I'm going to assume you've got this part down, that you know the kind of people you want to hire and have a good idea where they hang out. You know what websites they frequent, the discussion boards they engage with, and, of course, the social media sites they're following. Those are the places you need to go to to reach your target audience. Let me tell you how. Let's say you're looking to fill some entry-level jobs. Investing time and promoting your brand on Instagram can be quite…
