From the course: Employer Branding to Attract Talent

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Attraction is more than skin deep

Attraction is more than skin deep

- Yesterday, I had a reporter from US News and World Report reach out to me for a story she was writing about employee benefits that workers really value. She kept asking what specifically workers found valuable, and I kept telling her that it all depends on the worker. That's because beauty, or in this case value, is in the eyes of the beholder. Suppose you're a tech company trying to attract young tech-savvy people. Man oh man, offer them three free meals a day and you're golden. But this type of benefit, which represents your employer brand, may not be all that attractive to a Gen Xer who prefers to work from home a few days a week, so he can eat lunch with his young family. I tell my clients all the time that we need to get real clear on exactly who they're trying to attract so we can create an employer brand that will speak to those people. Think about it, you don't see Babies'R'Us marketing to aging baby boomers. Of course not. They're real clear on who they're trying to…
