From the course: Employer Branding to Attract Talent

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A company's reputation is its brand

A company's reputation is its brand

- The other day, one of my coaching clients told me she had been referred to a job that she dismissed as not being right for her. She hadn't even gone for an interview, and I wondered why. She said, "Have you seen what people are saying "about them on Glassdoor?" I hadn't, so I took a look, and here's what I found. Comments like, no communication between departments, frequent personnel changes across the company, and dismal employee morale. I could see why she decided not to waste her time. Of course we have no way of knowing if this is the general consensus or just a few terminated employees who wrote this as a way of getting back at their employer. And you know what? We'll never know. That's why companies need to closely manage their employer brands. Your employer brand is basically your reputation, and job candidates say there are a number of things that have a big impact on your brand, and on them. The first is job security. Most people don't accept a job thinking they'll be back…
