From the course: Employee to Entrepreneur

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Setting up business systems

Setting up business systems

Great news. You get to create business systems that work with your natural sense of flow and structure to manage your business. You're going to need a system for accounting. Money in and money out. You can just start with a legal pad, but I'm hoping that your business will grow fast enough to use an accounting software to monitor cash flow and maybe even hire an outside accountant. Two, calendaring. The beautiful thing with an online calendar system is that I can block out the times that I don't want to work, and my system will show me as busy during those times. Also, when people book with me using my calendar system, each attendee gets automatic reminders. Brilliant. Three, project management. Online project management systems are fantastic for helping you keep your eye on what is most important instead of what seems most urgent. And once you start having a team, it's an essential hub of information and communication for all of you. Four, goal setting and reviewing system. This is…
