From the course: Employee to Entrepreneur

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Gaining brand visibility

Gaining brand visibility

Here's the real problem with having a business. People don't buy when you are ready for them to buy. They buy when they are ready to buy. So all you can do as an entrepreneur or business owner is make sure that when they are ready to buy, you are the person they think of. So how do you stay top of mind to your ideal client? Marketing is anything you do to help people know you, like you, and trust you. Another way to think about this is that marketing equals education. What do people not know about your business or industry? What are they curious about? What behind the scenes information can you give them? People are fascinated by things that you may find completely ordinary. Maybe share some of the insider tips and tricks from your particular specialty. There's a lot of ways to share your expertise. You can certainly be writing for both local outlets or online outlets. You can have your own blog or be contributing to other blogs if you're a good writer. Alternatively, you can always…
