From the course: Empathy in UX Design

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Empathy for customers/users

Empathy for customers/users

From the course: Empathy in UX Design

Empathy for customers/users

- Empathy is certainly a buzzword in business these days, but unfortunately while some of the references to corporate empathy may be real, oftentimes the reference ends up being hollow marketing speak. The truth is, however, that a company's current commitment to empathy for customers or users of their products matters. I recently did some UX work for an organization that was at their wit's end after learning of tremendous frustration with the roll out of a new system. Before the system had been developed, the universe of users, comprised of less than 200 people nationwide, were using a hodgepodge of systems to take care of some detailed interactions and were often emailing documents back and forth in a completely unstructured way. Sure, it was a bit clunky, but over the years, processes had been developed, and the work got done. Without any user input, the stakeholders determined that since they wanted a better and…
