From the course: Effective Collaboration across Teams

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Identify your team's strengths and weaknesses

Identify your team's strengths and weaknesses

From the course: Effective Collaboration across Teams

Identify your team's strengths and weaknesses

Now that you've identified and prioritized the skills needed to make your cross-team collaboration successful, let's dig in a little further and assess your current level of skill for each. It would be unusual for your teams to collectively have all the skills for each of these. Even strong collaborations can improve in some areas, so don't shy away from having honest conversations about areas where you lack skill, have fallen short because you lack those skills, or are missing skills you never even knew you needed. In some cases, you may discuss skills that only certain members of your collaboration need, while in other cases you may talk about skills everyone needs. Remain open and curious, receptive and humble during this conversation. You may feel tempted to get defensive when certain skills you feel you have enough of are identified as needing improvement. Resist this temptation. And ask questions about others viewpoints. Assume they have a good reason for seeing things as they…
