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Using AI to generate keywords

Using AI to generate keywords

- Artificial intelligence or machine learning has really come a long way. It's now possible that computers can analyze imagery and suggest relevant words. It's not always perfect but it's often amazingly good or at least fairly accurate and gives you a great start. Now let's start by taking a look at Adobe Sensei which is technology build-in that allows Adobe users to upload their images to the cloud and then get tags or keywords back. It's pretty useful. I've selected my vector content and it needs a descriptive name. I've got the file type selected and I can choose the category here, I'm gonna label this as being for sports. And let's take a look at what's here. Stopwatch, well, that's clearly the first part. But I wouldn't really think of this as a clock. The artificial intelligence wasn't sure if it was a stopwatch or a clock, so I'll delete that. You'll notice that there are other keywords here too that I can open it up. And some of these words might not be needed but white is…
