From the course: Earn Money as a Stock Contributor

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Naming content

Naming content

- When you go to upload your content, you're going to need to give it some descriptions. Both a name and several keywords. Let's start though with the name, what you're looking for when you name content is to give it a title, which is a short description of content. For example, this image here is stack of name tags, or badges. They should read like a sentence, for example, large tiger paces at zoo. Be descriptive and precise when describing the image with the title. Don't just reuse keywords, rather try to describe the content, with a simple, short, narrative title. Ideally, it should be less than 70 characters so it can be easily be displayed and show up in search results. Don't try to get too creative with your title, it really is as boring as this, man standing against gray backdrop wearing black shirt, that's all it needs to be. Something that will make it easy for people to find it and quickly verify that what they found matches what they were searching for. Let's take an…
