From the course: Don't Take Yes for an Answer (Blinkist Summary)

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Giving your full attention to others

Giving your full attention to others

- [Women] Link six of eight. - [Reporter] NBC's Today's show weatherman, Al Roker, is the epitome of warmth; open and relaxed. His friendly smile quickly puts people at ease, but it's more than just that. The author once shared office space with Roker in Manhattan's legendary fish building. At that point, Roker was already a household name, but he still made the author feel like the most important person in the room. But first, I noticed this wasn't special treatment. Roker gave this kind of attention to everyone he met. And it made him universally loved. - [Women] The key message here is to create warmth. Give your full attention to other people. - [Reporter] To build warmth, pay attention to your audience's reactions. Moments of tension are inevitable, but you can deflate them with warmth. If tensions rise during a discussion, pause the conversation and ask the other party what's worrying her. Listening to a reply…
