From the course: Digital Transformation

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What is digital?

What is digital?

- The term digital is used in many ways these days, but what does it really mean? There are a variety of terms related to this that are noted, such as digitization, digitalization, digital transformation. Are these the same thing? Let me offer some definitions, as well as a couple of examples of each. Digitization is the conversion of analog or physical information to a digital format. Think of it as converting atoms to bits, creating digital opportunities in the process. Think of paper instruction manuals. Converting those from physical paper to a digital format represents digitization. Another example is from traditional print media. The New York Times is distributing digitized or digital content through digital channels: its website, and through the New York Times app rather than physical channels, the printed newspaper. These are each examples of digitization. Digitalization is the use of digital technologies and digitally-enabled approaches to enable or improve…
