From the course: Digital Transformation


- Digital transformation is a leading force in business today. In some cases this is driven by so-called digital native organizations wreaking havoc on older companies in an industry. In some cases those older companies are seizing the opportunity before the change is forced upon them. Whether it's based upon employing a shrewd offense or cautious defense, this change will impact all companies. But what is digital really? Who should own it within the enterprise? What processes and technologies are necessary to bring it to life. I'm Peter High, the president of Metis Strategy, a strategic advisory firm at the intersection of business and technology disciplines. For the last decade I've helped guide executives to answer these questions in order to chart a course to digital and ultimately business success. In this course we'll cover the relevant definitions of digital, including the differences between digitization, digitalization, and digital transformation. We will define the stages of digital maturity so that you can identify where you stand today and chart the course to greater levels of maturity. We'll identify new competitors that you need to be aware of beyond the traditional competitive set. Lastly, we'll talk about how to develop strategic plans in such an environment. The pace of change is getting faster. Also, customers are getting more fickle, which requires rethinking user experience. Digital transformation may seem like a new buzzword for an old topic. Together, I look forward to demystifying the term while identifying ways in which your company can chart a path to becoming a leader in the digital world. With all of this in mind, let's get started.
