From the course: Digital Transformation

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Experience is the new currency

Experience is the new currency

From the course: Digital Transformation

Experience is the new currency

- How do you differentiate your products and services in the digital economy? The first and best way to do is through better customer experience, and there's a pot of gold at the end of this rainbow. Did you know that, in 2017, global digital ad spending beat TV ad spending for the first time? Did you know that some estimates suggest that the US online sales surpassed 450 billion dollars for the first time in 2017? That said, customers are more demanding and are more likely to switch brands due to poor customer experience. In order to master user experience, bear in mind these lessons. First, eradicate friction from the user experience. In the digital word, frictionless experiences are crucial. It's well known that modern consumers have multiple devices, have limited attention, and expect instant gratification. You'll have a difficult time retaining customers if your experience is cumbersome and unintuitive. Often, customers want to accomplish what they need accomplished and then move…
