From the course: Digital Transformation

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Employee skills needed for digital transformation

Employee skills needed for digital transformation

From the course: Digital Transformation

Employee skills needed for digital transformation

- You have a solid core of technology team members. That's important of course. As you embark on the digital transformation ahead, what skills will be amplified, which new skills will need to be hired or trained for? These are important questions since the pace and ultimately the success of that transformation will only be as good as the team you assemble. The skills necessary will need to combine business disciplines and technical knowhow. Let's get into more specifics. There are several skills that become more important for digital transformation. First, it's necessary to hire skills associated with Agile development. Digital transformation requires Agile development which focuses on developing projects iteratively. This is in contrast to the traditional waterfall method which is serial in nature with handoffs along the way. Agile coaches are key new roles in this paradigm. They're part change manager, consultant and trainer. Let me give you an example from Capital One. To ensure…
