From the course: Digital Transformation

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Digital technology

Digital technology

- Digital transformation requires digital technology. That makes sense, but how easy are these to implement? In some cases, there may be impediments to progress in the way. Let me give you a case example from FedEx. From the company's founding in the 1970s, technology was one of its key differentiating factors. Founder Fred Smith, who is now in his mid-70s, was one of the most progressive leaders when it came to technology. He famously said, "Information about the package "is more important than the package itself." Being able to know where a package was in transit was a key differentiator as it gave a customer greater confidence in knowing where the package was at all times. He was one of the first to hire a Chief Information Officer, and everyone to hold that title has reported directly to him. In 2000, he hired Rob Carter as CIO. Almost two decades later, Rob is still in that role. I caught up with him a couple of years ago and he said something to me that was particularly…
