From the course: Digital Marketing Trends

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Visual storytelling strategies for your brand

Visual storytelling strategies for your brand

From the course: Digital Marketing Trends

Visual storytelling strategies for your brand

- [Instructor] I think you know my background is writing, and for years I thought social media was all about the words. Boy, was I wrong. Digital marketing is a visual medium, and you need to have a seamless blend of text and pictures when you create the stories your brand wants to tell. A good place to start is your brand identity and the colors you use to represent yourself in your marketing and sales materials. How do you showcase what you do? Are your products or services the hero or are your customers? Do you use stock or custom photography? And if you ask your customers to visually describe your brand, what would they say? Next, think about your brand personality. You might be fun and playful like a beauty company, aspirational like a luxury car dealer, or more serious like a bank or healthcare provider. Whichever you are, review your content to determine if it's heartfelt and emotional or more science-based. You…
