From the course: Developing Business Partnerships

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The path forward

The path forward

- We've reached the end of this brief course on developing business partnerships. Thank you for joining me. I hope you've enjoyed the journey. The next step is to get your feet wet in developing partnerships. There's no greater teacher than doing, but I'm hoping that the guidance I've offered gets you started. This is a well-traveled road and there are many people who can support and guide you further. My last piece of advice is to become an expert in your industry or space, not only will you then speak the language properly, you'll feel your imagination to create new ways of bringing value to your company. The same is true for the business side of the partner field. Take a course in subjects such as; contracts, finance, negotiation, marketing, organization, and strategy. Now consider getting involved with professional organizations that serve business development and partner professionals. You can find them on LinkedIn…
