From the course: Developing Business Partnerships

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The BDM role

The BDM role

- When I first started in the technology industry in my 20s, I had a vague idea of what business development was. I thought it was another way to say sales, and it can be, especially in fields such as professional services, but I came to learn that business development is a field that in many ways, paves the way for sales. In this lesson, I'll explain what I mean by that and walk you through the business development manager role, as well as the qualities you should develop if you want to excel. Business development managers, or BDMs, work closely with senior management to find new business opportunities. One key role is to help senior management to identify internal gaps, or new revenue opportunities that can be filled by potential partners. They develop a list of potential partners and a partner value proposition, or a what's in it for them. They also imagine the ways that the company and its partners can work together…
