From the course: Developing Business Partnerships

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Partnerships and success

Partnerships and success

- If you're new to the partner world, you might find it hard to make sense of how it all fits together, and what it takes for you to be a success. Even more to the point, if you need to build a network of partnerships, it's key for you to see how it all fits together into your company strategy. To help you I'm going to give you a few concepts behind partnerships and why they've become so important. When you're done with this video, you'll have a good idea of the big picture. Partnerships are key to your company's ability to compete, serve customers, innovate, and even show a profit. In the past, companies did it all with manufacturing, sales, customer service, finance, and marketing all under one roof. But today, companies realize that they can't do it all, or do it all well. That's because customer expectations, supply chains, technology, and business models change all the time. So your company relies on trusted…
