From the course: Developing Business Partnerships

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Partner value propositions

Partner value propositions

- It should be obvious that in a successful deal, whether it's a sale, an acquisition, or a new partner agreement, both parties have to win. Not surprisingly, though, partner development managers get pulled into their own company's priorities, personalities, and politics and end up pursuing unpromising relationships. As the deal maker, it's important that you think through your prospect's needs and can vocalize what's in it for them In this video, I'll share with you how to create initial value propositions, or value props, for your target partners. When you're done, you'll have a better appreciation for how your prospect might see the deal. Let's begin by defining a value proposition. Oxford Languages says it's "An innovation, service, "or feature intended to make a company or product "attractive to customers." In other words, a value prop helps define why a potential partner should be talking with you in the first…
