From the course: Developing Business Partnerships

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Partner recruitment

Partner recruitment

- Now that you've generated a priority list of prospects, it's time to reach out to them. By now, you'll have identified the best technology and go to market partners for your company and can go to them with the customized value propositions you've created. You already know this but partner recruitment can be challenging even for the well-prepared BDM. In today's era of rapid change especially in business, you can anticipate a large number of never returned calls, short conversations and dead ends. Be that as it may, it pays to keep at it and most importantly, keep in mind that you're proposing a business discussion. It's not a product sale. Both of you could benefit from revenue growth, more profitability, greater market share, or a stronger customer solution. Approach the call like a business executive. Based on my own experience in business development, I can also offer a few other tips to help smooth the way for…
