From the course: Developing Business Partnerships

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Partner prospect research

Partner prospect research

- So you've segmented the universe of target partners into must have, nice to have, and maybe next year. Now you'll need to dig deeper into how specific prospects would benefit your company. In this video, I'll describe a process that you can use to conduct partner prospect research before you go out and talk with actual prospects. Equipped with this framework, you'll have developed a deep understanding of your priority prospects before you even approach them. Your initial screening, lets you prioritize those prospects that could provide the most immediate benefits to your company. Now, you want to get to know them better. You want to develop insights into personalities, products, analyst opinions, and positions in the market. You can begin by collecting public information about the company, start with their website, LinkedIn, other social media, press coverage, both trade and general, or SEC, or other financial filings, if…
