From the course: Developing Business Partnerships

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Onboarding your new partner

Onboarding your new partner

- Congratulations, you've closed the deal with a new partner, but now what? You've already done a lot of hard work, but now you get to use all of that thought and preparation to help transition the partner into your company's processes and practices. As the BDM, at this point, you have most of the insight into how the partner and your company are better together. Now it's your job to illustrate that vision and help both partner teams put the vision into practice. In this video, I'll provide you with a checklist of items with which you can help the partner management team. With this insight, you'll be prepared to smoothly initiate the process of collaboration, setting the stage for a successful partnership. A good initial step is to put together a short briefing for the onboarding team and other key stakeholders. This should briefly introduce them to partner basics, including key executives and functional people, products, major…
