From the course: Developing Business Partnerships

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Negotiating a partner deal

Negotiating a partner deal

- As the old saying goes, don't count your chickens before they hatch. While it's tempting to think you're basically in the clear after all the hard work you've put into recruiting partners who are showing buying signs, be patient. You still have a crucial step left before closing the deal, negotiation. This is the phase where all of your knowledge and ideas come together, and where everyone hopefully gets to move forward. In this video, I'll talk about the typical dynamics of negotiating a partner deal and your role as the deal maker. I won't be covering the legal terms and conditions such as confidentiality, intellectual property, dispute resolution and so forth, as those are best left to your legal counsel. That said, you should familiarize yourself with sample contracts to get an overall sense of what goes into a typical partner agreement. Start by checking to see if a standard agreement already exists for your new…
