From the course: Developing Business Partnerships

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Leveling up

Leveling up

- Business development is truly at the heart of modern business. It's what drives innovation forward by creating new relationships that lead to those magic connections, those bigger opportunities, and ultimately, a new world of possibilities. In this video, I'll give you my advice on how to stay in the loop so that you're prepared to excel in the world of business development. The first field unsurprisingly, is business. You may have come from a job in engineering or marketing, sales, or communications, but at the heart of your value is your ability to build new capabilities that allow your company to grow revenue and profit. So, be a student of business. This means not only understanding your company's organization, the departments, functions, and people that allow it to operate, but developing an appreciation and an understanding for strategy and how the money flows. Most importantly, of course, understand how your…
