From the course: Developing Business Partnerships

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Identifying key stakeholders

Identifying key stakeholders

- Partner development isn't just about doing the deal. It's about doing the right deal that allows key stakeholders from both sides to win individually and win together. From what I've experienced in my career, there's nothing more satisfying than helping two people or two groups to find common ground, bring them to agreement and watch them work together successfully. But this means that you, as the deal-maker, must be able to understand key stakeholder positions, personalities, and compatibilities. Let's dive in and talk about the key types of stakeholders and how you can begin to understand and cultivate them. To start, executive stakeholders are, in many ways, the most important ones for you to identify and understand. After all, it's their strategy, goals, and objectives that you want to support by bringing in the right partners. Executive stakeholders could be the chief executive officer who has overall responsibility for…
