From the course: Developing Business Partnerships

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Business development careers

Business development careers

- Since you're joining me today, you're probably already in a business development role or you're considering one. And maybe you're wondering whether business development is an area you'd like to stay in, or if it's something you use as a stepping stone to another career. In this video, I hope to share some ideas and insights with you to help you make more informed choices about your future career options. Business development is not a traditional function like sales, finance, production marketing, or operations, but one which borrows from all sorts of disciplines. If you'd like to make a broad impact on the business, and if you find both business and technology to be up your alley, it may be for you. You should also keep in mind that business development roles tend to be strategic. They include close cooperation with senior or general management, so it's helpful to start with a business orientation. You should understand…
