From the course: Developing Business Partnerships

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Architecting the deal

Architecting the deal

- Closing your next partnership deal depends a lot on how well you listen to each side, find common ground, and bring the two parties together. But that isn't enough. To help the relationship to be successful over time, you'll want to make sure that you think through all important aspects, that includes why you had both entered into the relationship, what you hope to achieve, and how to get back on track when things go wrong. If you're not thorough now, your partnership could become yet another statistic. For example, a study published in the "Harvard Business Review" in 2007 found that strategic alliances had a failure rate exceeding 60%. In this video, I'm going to talk about four major elements you should think about when architecting a partner deal. I'm going to set aside the standard terms of conditions since you will want to work with your company's lawyer on those issues. Instead, I'm going to talk about how to…
