From the course: Developing a Critical Thinking Mindset

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The three components of critical thinking

The three components of critical thinking

From the course: Developing a Critical Thinking Mindset

The three components of critical thinking

- Ideally, critical thinking is about how you judge what to believe. That's not easy. That's why I like an easy-to-remember mental tool to help me think critically. I call it RRV, reliability, relevance, and validity. A few years ago, a team of engineers programmed a machine learning artificial intelligence to distinguish between photos of wolves and pet husky dogs. The AI was 90% accurate. However, when they held the algorithm up to scrutiny, it turned out it wasn't using cues that had anything to do with dogs. It has learned to base its answer on whether or not the picture had snow in the background. If there was snow in the background, guess what it was? Wolf. No snow, a pet husky. But snow doesn't always equal wolf. It was using unreliable evidence. And this brings us to RRV and to the first R for reliability, which is about consistency. Is this piece of evidence trustworthy? Can I count on it? Can it…
